Learning Spaces

The academic systems at Novel International School follow CBSE Curriculum. Teaching at Novel is student-centered, project- based, and incorporates the multiple intelligences concept. While the general curriculum is followed by every student, he or she is also encouraged to develop talents and interests in personal areas of academic interest, and in sport, theatre music and dance, for which facilities are outstanding. Novel aims to develop motivated, confident articulate students with the skills necessary for independent study.

Art & Craft

Children are taught to make use of readily available items to celebrate special occasions at school. Be it presenting a bouquet to the guest of honor or celebrating Rakhi, use handcrafted items etc.

Audio - Visual Room

Children have access to Audios videos and documentaries, related to their curriculum

Activity - based teaching

At Novel all subjects are approached with experiential learning instead of textbook-based learning. This simply means that all students are allowed to experience first what they will be taught and only then read or learn about it. Some examples of this would be: learning about plants by going on guided nature walks and field trips. These activities ensure that your child has grounded fundamentals because activity-based learning aids in retrieving the information learned even after your child’s schooling is complete.


At Novel International School, communication skills are given utmost importance. While general communication takes place in English, the Literary Club at the school schedules a number of activities in the calendar, to ensure that children get ample opportunity to participate in oratory competitions as well.

Physics Lab

The school has well equipped and well stocked Physics, Chem & Bio where specimens, models, picture charts are used as effective tools to teach Science. Science lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered.

Chemistry Lab

They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own. Students are made to use the models and understand different scientific theories and concepts.

Biology Lab

We have the latest science lab supplies and equipment to make science interesting and effective for students and to encourage them to make significant contributions in the field of physics, biology, chemistry, and other streams of science later in life.

Computer Lab

The importance of technology can’t be overstated in the world today. With the latest gadgets and software springing by the day, if one is not upbeat with it, its fairly easy to lose track. Though technology coupled in education is an empowering tool. Our Computer lab is equipped with advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software to cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum.